本网站使用cookies.  在我们的 隐私政策.


At the 健康中心, you'll receive 健康 services from a full-time nurse practitioner. Nurse practitioners are registered nurses with advanced education and clinical training. As 健康 care providers, our nurse practitioner is able to:

  • Obtain medical histories and perform physical examinations
  • Diagnose and treat common 健康 problems such as infections and minor injuries
  • Order and interpret diagnostic studies such as lab work and x-rays
  • Prescribe and recommend medications in collaboration with a physician
  • 提供健康咨询和教育


学生健康检查对苏格兰人是免费的. Additional services provided on campus such as laboratory tests and 免疫接种 will be billed either to your student account or to United 健康care 学生健康保险. Our nurse practitioner may refer you to consulting medical staff at any time. The physician will discuss fees with you at the time of service.


All medical records and clinical consultations are confidential. 没有你的书面同意,记录不能公开.


The 健康中心 does not issue excuses for missed classes.


请登录 地中海+普氏 以完成所需的入口健康信息.
进一步了解我们的 入学卫生要求.


All Agnes Scott students must comply with the mandatory immunization guidelines established by the American College 健康 Association prior to registration for classes. Students who don't meet these requirements may not register. 

All 正规博彩十大网站排名学院 students are required to have the following 免疫接种 在注册课程之前.


Agnes Scott is prepared to act in the event of an outbreak of a communicable disease among our student, 教职员工人数. Please review the following policy for information regarding the college's procedures for managing communicable diseases on campus.



  • 接受体贴和尊重的照顾
  • 接受私人和保密的照顾
  • 知道谁负责协调你的护理
  • Ask for and receive complete and understandable information about your condition and care
  • 参与有关您的护理的决定
  • 垃圾处理
  • 访问您的医疗记录
  • 收到账单的解释
  • 锻炼你的文化和精神信仰


匿名戒酒互助社 is a mutual aid organization consisting of men and women who share their successes and challenges in overcoming alcoholism. Their main goal is to remain sober and to help recovering alcoholics achieve sobriety. 访问他们的网站,找到你附近的会议地点.

乔治亚州戒烟热线 provides free and effective counseling by highly trained tobacco specialists. 周一至周日上午8点打电话.m. 直到午夜.877.270.7867.

毒品匿名 is a mutual aid organization consisting of men and women who share their experiences in overcoming drug addiction. 所有瘾君子都可以成为会员, regardless of the particular drug or combination of drugs used. The website provides general information to members as well as information for non-addict family members. 访问他们的网站,找到你附近的会议地点.

奈美 is a grassroots mental 健康 advocacy organization dedicated to helping individuals and families affected by mental illness. Their website offers information on mental 健康 topics, treatments, support groups, and programs.

NEDA provides help to individuals and families affected by eating disorders.

全国自杀预防 Hotline offers 24-hour service to anyone in emotional distress or suicidal crisis. 全国有150多个危机中心.

ChooseMyPlate provides useful resources for 健康y eating and living. It can also give you personalized recommendations for menu planning, 卡路里摄入量和身体活动水平.

医疗保健.政府 includes both public and private 健康 insurance information.

疾病控制和预防中心 offers information on 健康 and safety topics, 健康 statistics and publications.

梅奥诊所的健康 offers comprehensive and reliable information on 疾病和状况, 症状, 治疗和健康生活.

medline Plus是美国国立卫生研究院的 (NIH)提供关于健康主题的可靠信息, 疾病和状况, 药物和补品, 健康生活和健康更新.

强奸,虐待 & 乱伦国家网络) is the nation's largest anti-sexual violence organization. RAINN also carries out programs to prevent sexual violence, help victims and ensure that rapists are brought to justice. 联系他们的国家性侵犯热线800.656.希望.

国家睡眠基金会 provides education and awareness programs regarding the importance of sleep, 睡眠的好处, 还有睡眠问题. 访问 the website for more information or to locate a sleep professional.

妇女的健康 是U.S. Department of 健康 and Human Services Office on 妇女的健康 project that provides gender-specific 健康 information for women and girls. Womens健康.Gov涵盖800多个健康主题. 你也可以通过拨打800获取健康信息.994.9662.

床边 is a useful tool for exploring birth control options, where to get them, and set up reminders.

学校的骄傲 is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to combat bullying of LGBT people on college campuses. The organization also works with educators and students to make campuses more inclusive for and accepting of LGBT people.

去问爱丽丝! 是健康Q&互联网资源. 它为读者提供了可靠的信息, 准确的, 可访问的, culturally competent information and a range of thoughtful perspectives so that they can make responsible decisions concerning their 健康 and well-being.

人权运动 is a civil rights organization that works to achieve lesbian, 同性恋, 双性恋, 以及跨性别者(LGBT)的平等. Their website includes information on issues that affect LGBT people, 包括出柜, 仇恨犯罪, 健康, 军事, 育儿, 宗教与信仰, 婚姻和人际关系.

国家寄养中心 & 采用目录 provides a state-specific list including adoption specialists, 本地私人领养机构, 公共机构, 支持小组. 它们提供有关收养的全面信息.

计划生育 is a non-profit sexual and reproductive 健康 care provider and advocate. Their clinics offer a range of services at a discounted price. 这些服务包括常规妇科护理, STD测试, 艾滋病毒检测, 避孕, 紧急避孕法, 和堕胎. 访问网站,找到你附近的健康中心. The website also provides sexual and reproductive 健康 resources and information.

疾病控制中心 provides you with specific 健康 and safety information based on your travel itinerary.

国际旅行医学协会 is a great resource for how to be a responsible, safe and 健康y traveler.
